Tanya Irwin Piano
"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." - Plato
Lesson Schedule. Piano lessons are conducted on a weekly basis, for either 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 1.5 hour, or 2 hours, depending on the assessed level and age of the Student. Lessons begin August 19 and end May 23. Summer classes are optional.
Each student is designated a specific, ongoing weekly day and time for lessons, that has been reserved exclusively for Student, which generally precludes Piano Studio from accepting other teaching opportunities during that time. Therefore, Students are expected to attend all scheduled lessons, unless otherwise arranged in advance with the Piano Studio.
Tuition. Tuition is due 1 week in advance or on the 1st of each month if you make auto payments.
Cancelled Lessons. I request a 48-hour cancellation notice. Note that a make-up class is not a common practice. As a courtesy to my students, I offer 3 make-up classes. Classes during the summer are on the prorated basis. Lessons cancelled by the Teacher for any reason, will be provided a make-up lesson, but will not be refunded or credited.
If your class falls on a holiday (Labor day, Thanksgiving day, etc.), please make arrangements to reschedule it. We’ll have winter and spring breaks, but I encourage you to take the lessons during both breaks.
Media Consent. Parent and/or Student hereby consents to and authorizes the Studio to capture and use video-audio recordings and photographic images of Student and Student’s musical performances and quoted statements in print, electronic, or online media, for educational and Studio promotional purposes.
Studio Expectations. Students are expected to:
Treat the Piano Studio teacher, other students, and Studio property respectfully.
Bring required lesson materials and books to each lesson.
Powerful Quotes
“Good music facilitates evolution of the soul.”
“The object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful.” – Plato
“Before beginning to learn an instrument, the learner, whether a child, adolescent or adult, should already be spiritually in possession of some music; he should, so to speak, carry it in his mind, keep it in his heart and hear it with his mind’s ear. The whole secret of talent and of genius is that in the case of a person so gifted, music lives a full life in his brain before he even touches a keyboard or draws a bow across the strings. That is why Mozart as a small child could “at once” play the piano and the violin.”
Heinrich Neuhaus
“You think this is one instrument? There are one hundred instruments!”
Anton Rubinstein
“The pedal is the soul of the piano.”
Anton Rubinstein
“To play the piano is easy. I mean the physical process, and not the summit of the pianistic art.”
Heinrich Neuhaus
“Playing the piano is comparable to the movement of fingers; while performing the piano – moving the spirit.”
Anton Rubinstein
“To play a wrong note is insignificant. To play without passion is inexcusable.”
Ludwig van Beethoven
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.”
Victor Hugo
Piano Lessons in Santa Barbara
Over 30 Years of Teaching Experience
The Piano Studio is conveniently located in the heart of Santa Barbara
Copyright © 2025 | Tanya Irwin Piano Studio | Santa Barbara, California